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March 16, 2022


As we navigate uncharted waters during the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to share an update on how Hillel will be operating for students during the Spring 2022 semester. We have worked very hard to provide a safe space, following guidance from the CDC, state and local regulations and Michigan State University recommendations. Our plan is a living document that will evolve as we continue to evaluate best practices and adapt to new information and guidance. 


Our building will be open for student access, Sunday, 1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., Monday- Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. and Thursday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Based on guidance from the CDC, state and local regulations and Michigan State University recommendations, masks are currently optional in our building. 


Our professional team is fully vaccinated, including booster shots. We will do everything we can to provide a warm and caring community with innovative programming this spring. If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or 517.332.1916.


Wishing you and your family good health,





Cindy Hughey

Executive Director

spring 2022

Cindy Signature.png


I tested positive but I’m fully vaccinated. When can I attend Hillel activities?  


We hope you feel better soon! We remain aligned with Michigan State University and the Ingham County Health Department in our decision-making. You may join Hillel activities again when 5 days have passed since your symptoms started (or since your test date if you have no symptoms), as long as you don’t have a fever for 24 hours AND your symptoms have improved. If you are still experiencing symptoms, please do not join Hillel activities. We strongly encourage you to abide by the Ingham County Health Department recommendation to take a COVID test before leaving isolation and entering the Hillel building.


Out of respect for your peers and the Hillel staff and their health, we do require that all students who have tested positive for COVID and choose to join Hillel activities after 5 days continue to wear a tight-fitting mask for 5 more days (this includes refraining from eating and drinking in our building).


I have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID. Can I still come to Hillel? 

People who have received their booster shot or are within six months of a two-dose series or two months of a one-dose vaccine do NOT need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19, unless they have symptoms, but should wear a tight-fitting mask when around others for 10 days following the exposure. If symptoms develop, individuals should isolate and seek testing immediately. 


For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict tight-fitting mask use for an additional 5 days. We strongly encourage you to abide by the Ingham County Health Department Recommendation that you receive a negative COVID test result 5 days after exposure before you enter the Hillel building. You may not attend a Hillel program until you have quarantined for 5 days, and you must wear a tight-fitting mask and refrain from eating or drinking inside at a Hillel event for the following five days. 


Please let us know if you are in quarantine or self-isolating so that we can support you with a Shabbat meal or a chicken soup delivery
Will vaccinations be required for students to participate in Hillel programming? 


Aligned with Michigan State University guidelines, vaccinations (including boosters if eligible) will be required to enter our building and attend any Hillel program or Hillel sponsored event. All Hillel staff will be held to the same guidelines. 


*Please reach out to our Executive Director Cindy Hughey if you are unable to receive the vaccine or booster due to medical reasons. 


Will masks be required at Hillel events?

Masks are currently optional inside our Hillel building and during any indoor event, program, or service. This policy can change based on local and national health department recommendations.

Will MSU Hillel host in-person and/or virtual programming?

Yes and yes! We are excited to offer a wide variety of programs this year, both in-person and virtual. We will follow all appropriate government and university guidelines for any in-person program and gathering. The best way to know about and sign up for our programs is to be sure you are connected to MSU Hillel’s social media pages and sign up for our weekly newsletter (email to be added).


Will the Jewish Penicillin Hotline be running?


Yes! Chicken soup delivery is available.  To order soup for yourself or someone who is sick, please click here


Will we be able to travel to Israel on Birthright this spring?


Yes! As of now, we are planning for two different trip dates –  May 11- 22 and May 23 - June 3. You can register for our trips here. Our Hillel is dedicated to providing an amazing Israel experience while keeping our students healthy and safe. Trips will be reexamined if local, national, and international guidelines change.


This is all a lot to navigate. I have questions about Hillel’s policy and if I can participate in events?


Our Hillel Staff is available to help you navigate your questions and be responsive to your wellness needs. Please feel free to reach out to any of us to make a time to chat over coffee, or send us an email with your questions. If you have specific questions regarding our COVID policy decisions, please contact our Executive Director, Cindy Hughey.

© Copyright 2025 LESTER & JEWELL MORRIS HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTER AT MSU, All Rights Reserved | | 517.332.1916

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